#!/bin/bash # # Author: Jochen Schaefer # Frieder Schmidt # Martin Weiss # # copyright (c) Novell Deutschland GmbH, 2001-2016. All rights reserved. # GNU Public License # # SCHULNETZ.txt 25 Apr 2016 # letztes Update (Support for OES2015 SP1) 25 May 2016 ########################################################################### ########################################################################### ## ## The purpose of this file is to define the configuration information ## that is consistent across *all* servers in *all* environments of the ## customer. ## ########################################################################### ## ## The case-sensitive name of this file (without extension) must match ## the eDirectory tree name in field 09 of the server configuration ## file AY_SERVERTXT_FILE_URL defined in AY_MAIN.txt!! ## ## Configuration settings in this file can be overwritten in the location ## configuration file defined in field 13 of the server configuration file. ## ########################################################################### ## infrastructure information ## Type IP ## Description: IP Address of Default Gateway GATEWAY="" ## Type IP ## Description: Colon separated list of IP addresses of DNS servers NAME_SERVER_LIST="" ## Type Custom ## Description: Colon separated list of DNS suffixes in the order in which ## they will appear in resolv.conf ## The first value will be used for general domain name usage ## such as in the email address in CA management SUFFIX_SEARCH_LIST="schule.intern" ## Type IP|DNS ## Description: Colon separated list of IP addresses or DNS names of ## NTP servers #NTP_SERVER_LIST="" ## OES information ## Type String ## Description: fully distinguished name of the OES Installation user ## in LDAP syntax OES_INSTALL_USER="cn=Admin,ou=Adm,o=CL" ## Type String ## Description: fully distinguished name of the LUM admingroup ## in LDAP syntax LUM_ADMIN_GROUP="cn=admingroup,ou=lum,ou=global,o=CL" ## Type String ## Description: eDirectory context where the Unix Configuration object ## is located in LDAP Syntax UCO_CONTEXT="ou=lum,ou=global,o=CL" ## Type IP|DNS ## Description: Colon separated list of IP addresses or DNS NAMES of LDAP ## servers for OES. ## These LDAP servers are configured for eDirectory in random ## order with the local LDAP server as first server. ## For certain OES services (afp, cifs, iprint, lum, netstorage) ## the local LDAP server is used if it is in the list. Otherwise ## a random server is picked from this list and configured for ## theses services. ## The remaining servers are configured as alternate LDAP servers ## for LUM LDAP_SERVER_LIST="" ## Type IP ## Description: IP Address of an existing eDirectory server holding a writable ## replica of the context where the new server will be installed REPLICA_SERVER="" ## DHCP information ## Type String ## Description: eDirectory context where the DHCP Group object is located in ## LDAP Syntax DHCP_GROUP_CONTEXT="ou=dhcp,ou=global,o=CL" ## Type String ## Description: space separated list of interfaces the DHCP server should listen ## to i. e. "eth0 eth1" DHCP_INTERFACES="eth0" ## Type String ## Description: eDirectory context where the DHCP Locator object is located in ## LDAP Syntax DHCP_LOCATOR_CONTEXT="ou=dhcp,ou=global,o=CL" ## Type String ## Description: name of the OU where the Novell DHCP Server object will be located ## subordinate to the NCP Server context ## e.g. "ou=DHCP" will place the object in ## ou=DHCP,ou=servers,ou=services,ou=location,ou... ## ## if the DHCP Server object shall be placed higher in the tree ## structure than the NCP Server object the number of levels can be ## specified using a ";" as separator ## e.g. ou="DHCP;1" will place the DHCP Server object in ## an OU named DHCP in parallel to the server context, i. e. ## ou=DHCP,ou=services,ou=location,... #DHCP_SERVER_CTX="ou=dhcp;1" ## DNS information ## Type String ## Description: eDirectory context where the Novell DNS Services Group object is ## located in LDAP Syntax DNS_GROUP_CONTEXT="ou=dns,ou=global,o=CL" ## Type String ## Description: eDirectory context where the Novell DNS Services Locator object is ## located in LDAP Syntax DNS_LOCATOR_CONTEXT="ou=dns,ou=global,o=CL" ## Type String ## Description: eDirectory context where the Novell DNS Services Root Server Info ## is located in LDAP Syntax DNS_ROOTSERVERINFO_CONTEXT="ou=dns,ou=global,o=CL" ## Type String ## Description: name of the OU where the Novell DNS Server object will be located ## subordinate to the NCP Server context ## e.g. "ou=DNS" will place the object in ## ou=DNS,ou=servers,ou=services,ou=location,ou... ## ## if the DNS Server object shall be placed higher in the tree ## structure than the NCP Server object the number of levels can be ## specified using a ";" as separator ## e.g. ou="DNS;1" will place the DHCP Server object in ## an OU named DNS in parallel to the server context, i. e. ## ou=DNS,ou=services,ou=location,... ## ## !!! future enhancement not usable at the moment !!! ## ## !!! Requires changes in YaST/OES code !!! #DNS_SERVER_CTX="" ## LDAP information ## Type String ## Description: fully distinguished name of the eDir search base for ## afp, cifs, iprint, and netstorage in LDAP syntax ## ## this LDAP server will be used for all OES services ## unless specified differently in the variables below SEARCH_BASE="o=CL" ## Type String ## Description: fully distinguished name of the eDir search base for ## afp in LDAP syntax #AFP_SEARCH_BASE="" ## Type String ## Description: fully distinguished name of the eDir search base for ## cifs in LDAP syntax #CIFS_SEARCH_BASE="" ## Type String ## Description: fully distinguished name of the eDir search base for #IPRINT_SEARCH_BASE="" ## Type String ## Description: fully distinguished name of the eDir search base for ## netstorage in LDAP syntax #NETSTORAGE_SEARCH_BASE="" ## NSS information ## Type Integer ## Description: Start value for Novell Idendity Translator (NIT) ## Only required with OES2015 and newer ## default: 100000 AD_NIT_UID_START="100000" ## Type Integer ## Description: End value for Novell Idendity Translator (NIT) ## Only required with OES2015 and newer ## default: 200000 AD_NIT_UID_END="200000" ## NSS-AD information ## Type String ## Description: name of the AD container where the computer objects ## for the OES2015 servers joined to the domain will ## be placed ## default: CN=Computers #AD_COMPUTER_CONTAINER="" ## Type String ## Description: determines wether or not NIT IDs will be generated on ## the fly ## default: yes = generate mode #AD_CREATE_NIT_UIDS="" ## Type String ## Description: name of the domain the OES2015 server will join #AD_DOMAIN_NAME="" ## Type String ## Description: name of the AD group that will receive SUPERVISOR ## rights to the root of all NSS volumes ## default: Domain Admins AD_DOMAIN_ADMIN_GROUP="" ## Type List (no|yes) ## Description: determines whether or not pre-created computer objects ## will be used to represent the server in AD ## default: no #AD_USE_PRECREATED_COMPUTEROBJ="" ## Type String ## Description: name of an AD user with sufficient rights to join the ## domain ## default: Administrator #AD_USER_NAME="" ## SLP information ## type list(novell,open) ## Description: determines the type of SLP infrastructure in use SLP_TYPE="open" ## Type Custom ## Description: Colon separated list of IP addresses of SLP Directory Agent ## host servers SLPDA_SERVER_LIST="" ## Type Custom ## Description: Colon separated list of SLP Scope names SLP_SCOPE_LIST="CL-Scope" ## SLES information ## Type String ## Description: name of the YaST CA; mandatory ## default: YaST_Default_CA #CA_NAME="" ## Type String ## Description: CN of the YaST CA; mandatory ## default: YaST_Default_CA ($my_hostname) #CA_CN="" ## Type String ## Description: country of the YaST CA; mandatory ## default: DE #CA_COUNTRY="" ## Type String ## Description: state where the YaST CA is located; optional #CA_STATE="" ## Type String ## Description: locality of the YaST CA; optional #CA_LOCALITY="" ## Type String ## Description: organization of the YaST CA; optional #CA_O="" ## Type String ## Description: organizational unit of the YaST CA; optional #CA_OU="" ## Type String ## Description: password of the YaST CA; mandatory ## default: "novell" (without quotes) ## ## IMPORTANT NOTE ## when using eDirectory based AutoYast this password is ## visible to anybody that can access the web service on ## the AutoYaST server ## ## Therefor it is strongly recommend that you change the ## CA password after installation #CA_PWD="" ## Type String ## Description: e-mail address of the YaST CA; mandatory ## default: postmaster@primary_domain ## The first value of SUFFIX_SEARCH_LIST is used as primary ## domain. #CA_EMAIL="" ## Type List (UTC|localtime) ## Description: Hardware clock setting #HWCLOCK="" ## Type String ## Description: YaST-internal identifier of the attached keyboard #KEYMAP="" ## Type String ## Description: Language #LANGUAGE="" ## Type String ## Description: encrypted root password ## must be enclosed in '' due to bash expansion of $ #ROOT_PWD='' # Password: cala ROOT_PWD='$2y$05$BvNvZv5Cjq2HwCJxwfx33OiFvrmCGfOwyCvwQOAnjuO1HNcxq2TGO' ## Type String ## Description: Time Zone #TIME_ZONE=""